Tag Archives: General Contractors



CSLB Announces Zero Tolerance Enforcement Policy for C-10 Electrical Contractors. 


SACRAMENTO – The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) established a zero-tolerance enforcement policy in 2010 and now issues legal action against any C-10 Electrical contractor who willfully employs an uncertified electrician to perform work as an electrician. CSLB is legally required to open an investigation and initiate disciplinary action against the contractor (which may include license suspension or revocation) within 60 days of receipt of a referral or complaint from the Department of Industrial Relations’ Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS).

Labor Code Section 3099.2 stipulates that anyone who performs work as an electrician for C-10 Electrical contractors shall hold an electrical certification card issued by DAS; DAS is required by Labor Code Section 3099.2 to report violations to CSLB.

Electricians are defined as those who engage in the connection of electrical devices for C-10 contractors. It is CSLB’s position that electrical work must be performed by either a state-licensed or a certified electrician. An indentured apprentice or state-registered electrician trainee may also perform electrical work if supervised by a state-certified electrician. Trenching, concrete, framing, and other work that does not involve connecting electrical devices may be performed by noncertified workers.

Learn more about electrician certification by visiting the Division of Apprenticeship Standards website

Contact a CSLS School Administrator to assist in purusing your C-10 License today! www.MakeMeAContractor.com

Constructech Shares How a Simple iPad Makes a World of Difference for Contractors

Interesting Article we found from Constructech that shares how a simple iPad can make a world of difference for Contractors operating in today’s fast paced environment. In fact, we are such a fan of technology to improve workflow for Contractors CSLS is giving away to 1 lucky winner an iPad. Visit our website to enter today! www.MakeMeAContractor.com


Mobile Construction Management

When it comes to construction, most contractors tend to avoid carrying around all of the paperwork out in the field. Too much paperwork can lead to vital documents being misplaced or destroyed. There are a number of applications specifically designed to save contractors the trouble by giving them mobile access to essential paperwork.
One example is the new “Mobile PlanRoom” app from BuilditLive.com (BIL), www.builditlive.com, a division of Construction Connect Inc., www.constructionconnect.com, Folsom, Calif., which is designed to be used on the iPad from Apple, www.apple.com, Cupertino, Calif. Using Mobile PlanRoom, construction professionals including engineers, contractors, and architects can access various construction documents including contracts, specifications, and drawings right on the iPad’s touchscreen.

“We know what it means to be shuttling back and forth between sites during a construction project and what a hassle it can be to access drawings, plans, and other information at the speed you really need to,” says Marcus Linden, president and chief operating officer, Construction Connect. “Apple’s iPad technology is an ideal workspace to view every document or image that relates to a project in a portable manner so that it is literally at your fingertips.”
Mobile PlanRoom allows users to upload construction documents to the Web via BuilditLive.com. From there, other users can access the documents using an iPad or other various Internet-enabled devices.

Additionally, Mobile PlanRoom enables all project participants to share the data for a specific project without having to be at the same location. It also keeps contractors from having to send out large email files to various individuals involved in the same project.
According to Linden, when using BuilditLive.com and the Mobile PlanRoom app, contractors do not need to be concerned about outdated drawings for a specific project.
“With BuilditLive.com, the general contractor simply posts the most current drawings and invites all participants to the BuilditLive.com project, so everyone is literally on the same page,” says Linden.

Lead paint poisoning affects over one million children today according to the Environmental Protection Agency

Lead paint poisoning affects over one million children today according to the Environmental Protection Agency “Adverse health effects include learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and speech delays. If not done in a lead-safe manner, renovations and repair activities that disturb lead-based paint can expose children, as well as adults, to harmful levels of lead dust.” Simply said, it can cause exposure to lead and result in serious health consequences, especially for young children.

Because of the potential harmful levels of lead dust the EPA issued a rule requiring the use of lead-safe work practices aimed at preventing lead poisoning in children. The new federal Lead-Based Renovation, Repair and Painting requirements may be applicable to you as a Contractor! Failure to comply with the new requirements is a violation of the law. Further, penalties are significant. Those firms found to be non-compliant may be liable for civil penalties of up to $32,000 per violation.

The bottom line, the EPA Certified Renovator certification is a national requirement as of April 22, 2010 for anyone renovating, repairing and/or painting a pre-1978 home or child-occupied facility.http://MakeMeAContractor.com

As a result Contractors must obtain the EPA Certified Renovator certification under Section 402 or TSCA. The EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Certification course teaches the participant how to comply with the EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule and the HUD Lead Safe Housing Rule. Additionally, the certification will teach Contractors how to perform lead-safe work practices safely and effectively. A successful completion of this course designates the participant an EPA Certified Renovator and therefore compliancy with the law.  Only an EPA approved vendor such as Contractors State License Services must provide lead-safe construction education programs.

Who should be concerned– All General Contractors, Renovation Contractors, Property Manager, Painters, Plumbers, Carpenters, and Electricians.